Archive for June 2015

Site Update: Fire Emblem Fates Pre-release Section Complete

This is just a heads up that I’ve added everything I’ve wanted to the pre-release section for Fire Emblem Fates.


Since the game is coming out in Japan this Thursday (or Wednesday, depending on where you live), I’ll soon be focusing my efforts on adding information and data from the game as fast as humanly possible.

By the way, if you notice any… oddities, like broken links or links going to the wrong page, please let me know in the comments below (or otherwise).

Fire Emblem Cipher Special Pre-release Livestream

To celebrate the impending release of the Fire Emblem Cipher TCG (which releases on 25th June, alongside Fire Emblem Fates), Nintendo held another Nicovideo livestream to drum up hype.

Note: At the time of writing, there is no way to re-watch the livestream unless you’re a paid member.


If you missed the event, don’t worry because aubergine kindly summarised the details on the forums.

The main attraction was a trial match between Lynn and Yusuke Kozaki (Azura’s voice actor and the character designer for Fates respectively).

Additionally, the hosts showed off some new card artwork from the upcoming series 2 (Fire Emblem Fates) expansion, which will arrive in stores from 17th September 2015.

Ignoring the amazing gold foil signed cards for a moment, the best thing was probably the Arthur (Harold) artwork done in the style of Codename S.T.E.A.M.

Genei Ibun Roku #FE Character Profiles

After its E3 showing, Nintendo promptly updated the official site for Genei Ibun Roku #FE (the Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem crossover).


Sadly I was bogged down with work at the time, so I couldn’t take a proper look. However, now that I have slightly more time (that’s a lie by the way), I went ahead and translated the character profiles here.

In case you’re wondering, the profiles are for the 10 characters (and Mirages) formally introduced in the E3 trailer. Before, you knew their faces; now you know what they’re like!

(Or if you desire a better look, check out the E3 press kit here.)

E3: Fire Emblem Fates at Nintendo Treehouse (Day 3)

At last, the final piece of Fire Emblem-related E3 coverage is done and dusted!

On the third and final day of E3 (on Thursday), Nintendo Treehouse played even more Fire Emblem Fates–this time, a chapter from the Hoshido path.


If you missed the playthrough, you can watch it here (uploaded by Nintendo Everything).

Here is my report as well.

Compared to Day 2, there’s even less new information to gleam, but a few important ones, such as Aqua’s English name: Azura.