Tag Archive for Banner

Heroes: New Power banners have arrived!

After new weapons and refines for any older character within Heroes has been released, it is tradition to have those units show up in a banner together. So here they are: New Power 1, and New Power 2.

New Power 1 banner sees Tharja, Amelia, Oboro, and Seth. Amelia is the only 5-Star exclusive here, so hope for a green stone during your free summon. New Power 2 banner has Fury man Hinata, Eliwood, Nino, and Niles on focus. No 5-Star exclusives here. Pull red if you don’t care for any of the Heroes, since it’s the most likely colour to dish out a 5-Star summon. Or green, because Nino is a fantastic F2P unit to build and use, especially now with her new tome.

That’s it for today, good luck on your summons!

Heroes: “Mothers and Sons” Voting Gauntlet coming soon

Information about the next Voting Gauntlet has been distributed, and it’s very similar to the Fathers and Daughters gauntlet we had a few months back. The bracket displays all 8 entries.

Click to enlarge

Whose army will you fight for? The event begins on the 31st of January, 7:00AM UTC, each round lasting 2 days, with the event coming to a close on the 6th of February, 3:59AM UTC.

To help you prepare your barracks for the event, two relevant banners have been released. “Voting Gauntlet Mothers” and “Voting Gauntlet Sons:”

In the Mothers banner, we have Lissa: Sprightly Cleric, Mikoto: Caring Mother, and Cherche: Wyvern Friend, while over in the Sons banner, we have Leif: Prince of Leonstar, Corrin: Dream Prince, and Owain: Chosen One. Good move on the devs to choose the Dream variant of Corrin and not the original for this VG and banner, for various reasons (so the banner doesn’t contain 3 swords, for one)

Lissa and Cherche are both available in the 3-4-Star pool, while everyone in the Sons banner is 5-star exclusive. Undoubtedly the best banner to try to summon from, if you had to decide between the two. The other two Heroes available in the Voting Gauntlet – Ethlyn and Gerome – are Tempest Trials rewards, so if you’ve been playing FEH long enough, you should already own copies of these Heroes.

These banners begin today, and will end on the 6th of February, 6:59AM UTC.

Heroes: Ephraim & Myrrh BHB, BHB Banner, Heroic Feats Round 3, New Tactics Drills

On the 18th of October, 7:00AM UTC, a new Bound Hero Battle dropped: Ephraim and Myrrh!

The event will put you against these two formidable fighters, and will grant you 9 Orbs for completion of all difficulties: Hard, Lunatic, and Infernal. The BHB will end on the 25th of October, 6:59AM UTC.

A Bound Hero Battle is always accompanied with a banner, of course.

Summoning Focus: Bound Hero battle has Eirika: Anamnesis Lady, Ephraim: Restoration Lord, and Myrrh: Great Dragon on focus. The banner will come to an end the same time as the BHB: 25th of October, 6:59AM UTC.

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Heroes: FEH Channel’s Livestream Breakdown

Well boy howdy, we got quite a pile of information for what’s coming up in Fire Emblem Heroes, and lots of it is coming sooner than you might think.

For starters, we have a new Banner coming up, featuring the 5* Focus units of Hector, Azura, Ryoma and Takumi. This banner starts in just a few hours (on 4/28) and will have unit pull rates boosted from 3% to 5%.

Two new events will also be running alongside the new banner. The “Hero Fest Log In Bonus” will continue giving players 2 free Orbs per day. There is also a “Double SP Event” wherein all heroes earn twice as much SP as usual when defeating enemies! The Focus Banner and both events will last through 7:59am UTC on May 7th.

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