Tag Archive for Bound Hero Battle

Heroes: Bound Hero Battle Revival: Tiki & Nowi & Voting Gauntlet Round 2!

Another BHB has returned to Fire Emblem Heroes! You can check out Bound Hero Battle Revival: Tiki & Nowi in the Special Maps menu.

If you weren’t playing Heroes when these maps were around before, or if you weren’t strong enough to beat them then, now is a good chance to try again. Even veterans have something to do, however, with the addition of some special quests. Use Sharena and Anna on your team to beat quests and earn Orbs! See details below.

Furthermore, the second round of Voting Gauntlet: Clashing Thunderers has now begun! Delthea, Reinhardt, Linde, and Olwen each beat their competition to move onto the next stage. Here’s the new bracket:

Round 2 will once again last for 45 hours, ending on Monday, 5 November at 3:59am UTC. All quests have been reset so you can earn more Battle Flags for your team!
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Heroes: Ephraim & Myrrh BHB, BHB Banner, Heroic Feats Round 3, New Tactics Drills

On the 18th of October, 7:00AM UTC, a new Bound Hero Battle dropped: Ephraim and Myrrh!

The event will put you against these two formidable fighters, and will grant you 9 Orbs for completion of all difficulties: Hard, Lunatic, and Infernal. The BHB will end on the 25th of October, 6:59AM UTC.

A Bound Hero Battle is always accompanied with a banner, of course.

Summoning Focus: Bound Hero battle has Eirika: Anamnesis Lady, Ephraim: Restoration Lord, and Myrrh: Great Dragon on focus. The banner will come to an end the same time as the BHB: 25th of October, 6:59AM UTC.

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Heroes: New Tactics Drills, Ishtar & Reinhardt BHB, and BHB Summoning Focus

We begin today’s Fire Emblem Heroes news update with a new Bound Hero Battle: Reinhardt & Ishtar.

Square up against the potent opponents Ishtar and Meisterschwert Reinhardt in this Thracia 776-themed battle – with Hard, Lunatic and Infernal difficulties available – giving a total of 9 Orbs for full completion. This BHB will end on the 13th of October, at 6:59 AM UTC.

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Heroes: Chrom and Lissa Bound Hero Battle Revival

A heads up for Fire Emblem Heroes players: Chrom and Lissa’s Bound Hero Battle will be returning between now and 19th September 2018.

As with other Bound Hero Battles, you can earn a total of 9 Orbs the first time you beat all the maps on all 3 difficulties. For those who’ve already conquered Chrom and Lissa long ago, there are quests that reward additional Orbs as well.

While Bound Hero Battles might not be as exciting as Grand Hero or even Legendary Hero Battles, it’s hard to complain about more Orbs. Especially when we’re about to get four new Hero banners in four weeks (two normal ones, one Legendary and one Special)!

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