Tag Archive for Bound Hero Battle

Heroes: Titania & Mist’s Bound Hero Battle + Summoning Focus

Today’s a pretty busy day for Fire Emblem news! Anyway, we’ll start with something fairly small. Fire Emblem Heroes is currently running a new Bound Hero Battle, featuring Titania and Mist from Path of Radiance.

Altogether, you can earn 9 Orbs by completing the map on all 3 difficulties. It’s not a lot, but it’s not a little either. The Bound Hero Battle will be around until the daily rollover on 5th May 2019.

Joining this Bound Hero Battle is a themed summoning focus that has Titania, Mist and Ike as 5-star Focus units. After Ike and Mist were removed from new summoning banners, this is probably your best chance to snag them. The focus runs for the same duration.

Heroes: Ephraim & Myrrh Bound Hero Battle Revival!

Eirika takes a back seat while Myrrh’s around Ephraim. It’s a Bound Hero Battle Revival: Ephraim & Myrrh!

Ephraim: Restoration Lord and Myrrh: Great Dragon are the main opponents within this challenge. Rewards are 2 x Orbs for beating Hard, 3 x Orbs for Lunatic, and 4 x Orbs for Infernal. Since this is a revival, if you’ve already beaten them before, you can’t earn these rewards again. However, there are new BHB quests for everyone to complete, and doing so will net you up to 5 Orbs.

The BHB begins today and will run until the 25th of April, 6:59am UTC.

Since it’s Thursday, a new Tactics Drills map has been added: “Feline Perimeters” under Skill Studies. Lethe and Ranulf fight together against a hoard of enemies. Make use of their skills and find a way through all the enemies in 5 phases. The reward for completion is 300 Feathers.

Heroes: Dragalia Lost × Fire Emblem Heroes Coming Soon! + New Bound Hero Battle!

Recently, Dragalia Lost released a new episode of Dragalia Digest (their own version of Heroes’ Feh Channel). While the video explains what is coming up for their players as part of its 6-month anniversary and gives details on the upcoming update, the final ~24 seconds of the 5 and a half minutes-long video teased that a Dragalia Lost × Fire Emblem Heroes collaboration is coming soon!

Click to enlarge

You can watch the Dragalia Digest video here. No further details were revealed, but we’ll be posting information in future updates when they come. If you’re like me and play both Heroes and Dragalia, this is something to look forward to in Dragalia. Save your Wyrmite!

Back to the news within Heroes: Today we see the release of a new Bound Hero Battle: Bartre & Fir!

The challenge is available in 3 difficulties: Hard, Lunatic and Infernal. You can earn up to 9 Orbs for completing all difficulties. The BHB is available from today, and will close out on the 3rd of April, 6:59am UTC.

Accompanying every new Bound Hero Battle is a banner.

The banner features Bartre, Fir, and Karla.The banner ends on the 3rd of April, 6:59am UTC.

A family reunion of sorts, ignoring the age gap between the two lovers, of course. When will we see Blazing Sword’s younger and dumber Bartre in Heroes?

Heroes: Ishtar & Reinhardt BHB Revival returns

Back from the Bound Hero Battle bench is the duo of Ishtar and her friend/protector Reinhardt from FE titles Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776.

If this is your first rodeo with the BHB, you can collect Orbs for completing each of the difficulties (hard, Lunatic, and Infernal) for the first time. You can also earn up to 5 Orbs for completing the extra quests.

You have until the 26th of March, 6:59am UTC to complete all the quests before the event and its quests disappear.