Are you ready to dance again? Fire Emblem Heroes is re-running last year’s Performing Arts limited time summoning event between now and the rollover on 19th October.
The featured Heroes are dancer versions of Olivia, Inigo, Azura and Shigure. For more details (such as Skills), please refer to last year’s article.
Although it may have been the perfect time to repeat this event while Festival in Hoshido was ongoing, the original event debuted during late September last year so it seems they wanted to wait until it was nearly a year.
An unexpected ball was dropped just a short while ago, showcasing to us a new banner, Wings of Fate. As expected, this one will feature units from the Fire Emblem Fates series. As expected, we finally have our traditional Shigure and inevitable Kana (female version only).
Not so much expected was the debut of a new unit type, the Bow Flier. That’s right, summoners can finally experience a Kinshi Knight, by way of Hinoka’s first variant…if they’re lucky enough to summon her, that is.
Also seen in the video at the end is a male version of Kana (Blue Infantry Manakete), and Kaze (Infantry Dagger), the franchise’s first recruitable ninja. Perhaps an incoming Tempest Trials + will have one of these two units available as a prize?
Of course, we’ll have a series of chapters to earn orbs from featuring these units, so look forward to these opportunities as well. For more details on the new Wings of Fate heroes, look no further than the bottom of this post. They’ll be available to summon on April 24 at Midnight, and will remain available through future summoning events.
UPDATE: It is now confirmed that Male Kana will be the star of the upcoming Grand Hero Battle that begins on 3 May.