Archive for May 2018

Heroes: Banner for Heroes with Stance Skills!

It’s time for the next skill-based banner in Fire Emblem Heroes! The Heroes with Stance Skills banner contains 5★ focus units for Zelgius, Female Morgan, and Shiro.

All three of these units have a “Stance” skill in their A slot. These skills give their user stat bonuses based on who initiates combat. Zelgius has Fierce Stance, Morgan Mirror Stance, and Shiro Steady Stance. You can either train these units up to use these great skills, or pass them onto other units.

The Heroes with Stance Skills banner will be around for two weeks, ending on 10 June. Have fun adding some new heroes onto your team! However, don’t forget that the next Legendary Hero event will also be arriving soon. According to the calendar, it will start on 30 May, and we’ll likely get a trailer sometime before then.

In the meantime, good luck working your way through Tempest Trials+!

Heroes: Original Bridal Blessings Banner is Back!

Coming as a complete surprise to everyone, the Original Bridal Blessings Banner returned to Heroes today! Spend your Orbs to summon special 5★ bride versions of Caeda, Charlotte, Lyn, and Cordelia.

All four brides originally joined Heroes in the Bridal Blessings banner last June. Many players speculated that the banner would return for the upcoming Voting Gauntlet, similar to how the original Spring Heroes returned in March. Instead, this implies that next week’s Gauntlet may feature a different theme.

Additionally, we can assume that all of last year’s seasonal heroes will return at some point this year in their own banners. This is excellent news for players who were unable to score these heroes previously.

The Original Bridal Blessings Banner will be around for close to a month, ending on 21 June.

Cipher S13 Weekly Recap: First Card Reveals & Livestream Reminder!

Welcome to the very first Fire Emblem Cipher S13 Weekly Recap! Just this week, the official @fecipher twitter account started sharing the first daily reveals for the set. As expected, the initial reveals focused on cost 1 cards of the main characters for the represented games. For Blazing Sword, we get Eliwood, Lyn, and Hector.

Next up, we got Marth representing Shadow Dragon, followed by Alfonse, Sharena, and Fjom for Heroes. As the Heroes portion of the set focuses on Book II, Fjorm takes Anna’s place with the Askrian siblings. That said, Anna may still appear in the set.

As you may have noticed, none of these cards have rarity or set numbering in the bottom left corner. This makes it a bit difficult to tell where cards appear in the set, which was likely the intention of keeping this information hidden. However, we can still identify some card rarities, as in the next two card reveals of the set: Ninian R and Lyn SR.

Both of these cards feature border patterns that reflect specific rarities. Ninian’s R card lacks an outer border on the left, right, and top, but still has purple on the bottom. Meanwhile, Lyn’s SR card is completely border-free.

The art pieces for both cards are also interesting. Ninian’s card is based on the in-game CG of Eliwood rescuing Ninian from the Black Fang during Lyn’s Story in the game. For Lyn’s SR card, some of the artwork on the right seems to indicate that it will actually form a joined-art piece with another card, possibly Eliwood SR.

These aren’t the only cards we’ve gotten so far, though. A special edition of the Cipher Frontier column also revealed cards for three of the Cipher OC Mascots. The newest character, Nieve, appears in two promoted purple cards, while Yuzu and Randal each get their first colourless card.

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Heroes: Tempest Trials+: Loki’s Flames + Spd Feint Bug

There’s a storm brewing in Fire Emblem Heroes. Build up a strong team and prepare to enter Tempest Trials+: Loki’s Flames, now available in the Events menu.

Within Múspell, Laegjern confronts Loki about her intentions. She fears that Loki has ulterior motives regarding her work with Surtr, but Loki brushes the conversation off. It seems the trickster has work to do elsewhere…

The main page for the event shows your current points and the event’s Bonus Allies. All three of the new brides in the Bridal Bloom banner are available, as is Marth: Altean Groom. You can also use the non-bride versions of all four characters. Confront Loki on a new final map within Múspell. You can see her Lunatic stats and skills below.

The rewards structure for this event follows the new point pattern established with the advent of Tempest Trials+, maxing out at 50,000 points.

Here’s a look at the reward highlights:

  • Units: 4★ Marth: Altean Groom at 1,000 and 5★ Marth: Altean Groom at 15,000.
  • Sacred Seals: Atk/Def 1 at 6,000, Spd Smoke 1 at 10,000, and Flier Formation 1 at 20,000.
  • Wind Blessing at 12,500
  • Orbs, Hero Feathers, Sacred Coins, Shards, and Crystals galore!

Tempest Trials+: Loki’s Flames will fade away into the mists on Monday, 4 June.

Additionally, Heroes has acknowledged a bug With Bride Tharja’s Spd Feint skill. See the Notifications Screen for full details regarding the bug. Heroes aims to fix the bug with the next planned update scheduled for early June. This is the first information we’ve seen regarding the next update, so hopefully we’ll get more information soon.

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