Tag Archive for Calendar

Heroes: Early Anniversary Celebration, February Calendar, & Arena Quests!

Can you believe it’s almost been a year since Fire Emblem Heroes was released? Heroes will be celebrating its first anniversary next week on 2 February! In honour of this occasion, the game is already starting a special Early Anniversary Celebration!

The Early Anniversary Celebration begins today and contains four special events for players to take part in. The first should be obvious to anyone the next time you log-in: a new Log-In Bonus! Earn two Orbs every day for the next ten days just by logging in.

Additionally, Heroes has added a new Starter Support Pack to the shop. It contains 12 Orbs, 12 Stamina Potions, 12 Lights Blessings, and a 5★ Black Knight! All players can buy the pack whenever they wish, but only once. It costs €4.49/US$4.00/¥480/AU$5.99.

The third event is a special Welcome-Back Gift. Any players who haven’t logged into the game for 30 days or more can receive a one-time gift of 20 Orbs. If you know anyone who hasn’t played in a while, let them know about this offer.

Finally, the last anniversary event is Choose Your Legends: Round 2! The second Choose Your Legends event will start on 22 January at 3:00am UTC and run for one week. Just like the original, the top CYL characters will appear as Special Heroes sometime in the future. make sure to vote for your favourite units!

If this isn’t enough to get you excited, Heroes has also released a new Event Calendar! The calendar starts today and runs through the end of February. Keep in mind that all dates shown on the English calendar image are based on Pacific Time where the Heroes reset happens at 11pm. For players not in Pacific Time, all events start the following day.

Here’s a text breakdown of what the next month has in store for us. I’ve updated the dates for UTC reset to match the rest of our reporting.

  • New Heroes: Two new banners revealed: New Heroes from 25 Jan – 9 Feb and Special Heroes from 9 Feb – 9 Mar. Both come with a new Log-In Bonus.
  • Legendary Heroes: 31 Jan – 5 Feb, though no word on who the new Legendary Hero will be.
  • Planned Version Update: 7 Feb
  • Skill Banner: Movement Skills from 7 Feb – 20 Feb
  • First Anniversary Celebration: Starts 2 Feb with no ending date. This is different from the Early Anniversary Celebration which starts today.
  • Grand Hero Battles: New GHB for Lyon from 26 Jan – 3 Feb and a GHB Revival for Valter from 3 Feb – 9 Feb. Perhaps the new characters coming next week will be from The Sacred Stones?
  • Tempest Trials Mini: Shrouded by the Storm: 31 Jan – 7 Feb
  • Refined Weapons Special Maps: 21 Jan – 4 Feb
  • Four Log-In Bonuses: Early Anniversary bonus starting today, 1st Anniversary bonus starting on 2 Feb, and two bonuses for the New Heroes and Special Heroes banner releases.
  • Five New Quests: Arena and Arena Assault quests from 19 Jan – 2 Feb, Chain Challenge and Squad Assault quests from 23 Jan – 6 Feb, Three Heroes quests from 29 Jan – 12 Feb, Defeat Foes quests from 6 Feb – 20 Feb, and Weapon Refinery quests from 9 Feb – 29 Mar.

You may have noticed that, in addition to the Early Anniversary Celebration events mentioned above, the Arena and Arena Assault Quests also begin today!

Like previous Arena and Arena Assaults quests, you can earn prizes, including Orbs, by regularly participating in both gameplay modes. The quests progress to harder versions when you complete the currently listed set of quests. Check out a full breakdown of all of them below. These quests will be available through 2 February.

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Heroes: New Event Calendar for November and December!

Fire Emblem Heroes has shared a new Event Calendar for the months of November and December. Check it out below! You can click on the image to view a larger version.

We already learned some of this information during the recent Feh Channel update, but there are some new pieces of information as well. Here is a text breakdown of the highlights:

  • New Heroes: Children of Fates: 4 Dec – 18 Dec. New second generation Fire Emblem Fates characters will almost certainly be appearing in this banner.
  • Legendary Hero Fjorm: Princess of Ice: 28 Nov – 4 Dec
  • Tempest Trials: Less Than Heroic: 21 Nov – 5 Dec
  • Enduring Love Voting Gauntlet: 6 Dec – 12 Dec
  • Grand Hero Battle Revivals: Michalis (24 Nov – 5 Dec) and Berkut (8 Dec – 14 Dec).
  • New Special Maps: Bound Hero Battle Amelia & Tana (14 Dec – 23 Dec) and “Dev Say Thanks!” Special Maps (12 Dec – 1 Jan).
  • Four New Log-In Bonuses: Tempest Trials (starts 21 Nov), Book II Begins (starts 28 Nov), New Heroes Celebration (starts 4 Dec), and Winter Bonus (starts 13 Dec).
  • New Quests: Quests with Alphonse (26 Nov – 10 Dec), Weapon Refinery Quests (28 Nov – 15 Jan), and Arena & Arena Assault (30 Nov – 14 Dec).
  • Double EXP & SP Event: 28 Nov – 5 Dec

Many of these events arrive on 28 November, which is the same day the new Version 1.9 update will go live. The Legendary Hero Summoning Event is not shown, but likely arrives on 28 November alongside Legendary Hero Fjorm.

I hope you’re all looking forward to another exciting month with Heroes!

Heroes: Grand Hero Navarre, Banners Galore, Arena Update and More

It’s been no surprise that Fire Emblem Heroes has been a hit, but Nintendo hasn’t slowed down in giving players any updates. There’s a few things coming up, some which you may know of and some which you may not.


For starters, you may have already notice the currently active Banners joining the Spring FestivalWyvern Riders (Camilla, Beruka, Cherche and Minerva) and Pegasus Knights (Hinoka, Cordelia, Palla and Subaki).

These Banners exist to promote the next upcoming Voting Gauntlet event, Wyvern Riders vs. Pegasus Knights, running from April 5th until April 10th.

With all of these Banners coming out, it’s a shame that the two free daily Orb reward is no longer active, but hopefully something else will come out that will let us bolster our Hero roster, maybe like…

The next Grand Hero Battle!  Navarre is arriving on April 4th, and with him comes a banner tailored to defeating him and his allies, aptly titled Battling Navarre (including Effie, Sophia, Caeda and Kagero).

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