Archive for May 2016

Cipher S5 Weekly Recap: Alternate Art & Magazine Promos

The highlight from this week’s Fire Emblem Cipher Series 5 reveals is a set of 2 cards featuring Queen Elinicia from Radiant Dawn. The left side card shows her regular R card artwork while the right is her R+ card, which not only features gold text but also special alternate artwork that is exclusive to the + version of the card.


Starting with Series 5, all R+ and SR+ cards will feature exclusive artwork. Similar cards for both SR Sanaki and R Dieck were previewed during last week’s livestream, but Elincia is the first one to be officially revealed.

Other cards showcased on the @fecipher twitter account this week include HN Perceval, HN Clarine, and SR Fir from Binding Blade as well an N card for Haar from Radiant Dawn.

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Cipher Caravan Merchandise + Details

On June 25th 2016, the Fire Emblem Cipher card game will be celebrating its 1st anniversary (together with Fates). To celebrate the occasion, the Cipher Caravan will be heading to various locations in Japan from June to August.


At the event, fans can expect to sample the delights of Cipher, battle other Cipher players, purchase exclusive merchandise or even listen to a “mini concert” featuring tracks from the 20th Anniversary Concert.

While a list of merchandise was posted earlier on the Cipher website and these were also showcased at the Cipher Livestream Spring, this is the first time we have official pictures and prices for them.

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Cipher Spring Livestream: Merch, Cards, and Art for Upcoming Sets

On May 22nd, the Cipher Team held the Cipher Spring Livestream on NicoNico. The broadcast featured news about the upcoming Cipher Caravan events, lots of new cards and artwork for the upcoming Series 5 and 6, and also a formal announcement of the games for Series 7 this winter.

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Ryota Kawade and Tsutomu Kitanishi are once again joined by Lynn, Azura’s voice actress. After introductions and some chatting, they started off the presentation by talking about the upcoming Cipher Caravan events that will be held around Japan from late-June through mid-August.

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New promo cards of Felicia and Flora will be available at the events, as well as an abundance of merchandise, some new, some old.

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Cipher S5 Weekly Recap: First Daily Reveals!

Now that Series 5 of the Fire Emblem Cipher card game is nearing release, the @fecipher twitter account has begun to reveal some new cards from the set. They started with a bang revealing 2 cards at once, both featuring Roy from Binding Blade.


If the artwork in these cards looks familiar to you, you’ve probably seen these artists’ work before. The HN card on the left was drawn by Eiji Kaneda, the official artist for Binding Blade, and the ST+ card on the right was drawn by Koutarou Yamada, the artist of the Hasha no Tsurugi manga that was released as a tie-in to the game.

We also now have the SR card for Sanaki from Radiant Dawn, as well as R cards for Edward from Radiant Dawn and Dieck from Binding Blade.


Cipher Series 5 will release in little over a month on June 23rd. We’ll continue sharing new cards and artwork as they’re released in the meantime. For more information about Cipher, including links and information on where to purchase cards outside of Japan, please check out my Newcomer’s Guide to FE Cipher.

Want to discuss these cards or speculate about what else we’ll be seeing revealed in Series 5? Feel free to visit us at the FE Cipher Subforum on the Serenes Forest forums.