Archive for July 2017

Warriors: Corrin and Xander Support Snippet + A Roster Theory.

The third place Bond Support snippet is now up, featuring Corrin & Xander.

A translation from one of our forum members Torii yet again gives us some details into what is actually happening via the dialog.

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Heroes: Beach Gauntlet Brackets + Event Schedule

Following last Friday’s Feh Channel update, we now have the finalised brackets for the Battle at the Beach Voting Gauntlet.

In the first round, the following pairs of swimsuit-clad Heroes will be battling it out:

  • Gaius vs. Frederick
  • Leo vs. Xander
  • Robin vs. Tiki
  • Corrin vs. Elise

This arrangement forces the boys and girls to fight among themselves and ensures the final battle will be between the most popular male and the most popular female. Alright, time to place your bets…

In addition, the Japanese Twitter account has provided an expanded event schedule for August till mid-September, featuring many of the new events previously highlighted by Feh–but also a couple of repeat events.

For the benefit of those who can’t read Japanese, we’ve provided a translated version above. Do note that the schedule does not appear to include every upcoming event, so there could be some surprises still to be revealed.

Fates: Sakura Nendoroid Prototype from Summer WonFes 2017

First teased back in February, Good Smile Company has blessed us with a first look at the Fire Emblem Fates Sakura nendoroid during today’s Summer Wonder Festival 2017.

Currently, the Sakura nendoroid is a work in progress (which should be immediately obvious since it hasn’t been painted yet), but it’s still very cute all the same.

According to the official description, Sakura will come with accessories and face plates, similar to previous nendoroids. The Elise nendoroid came with a horse, so hopefully Sakura will get something even half as good.

Because it’s still early days, a release date and a price have not been announced yet. We imagine it’ll be 2018 before it releases, since figures of this complexity can take a while to manufacture.

Heroes: Double Retweet for Orbs

We have some more Twitter shenanigans, this time for Fire Emblem Heroes. Similar to previous occasions, users are encouraged to retweet for a chance to earn Orbs.

As the event’s name suggests, there are two tweets to retweet. If the combined amount of retweets (shared among all territories) is over 10,000 all users will receive 5 Orbs in the near future.

At the time of writing, this amount has already been achieved multiple times over (with American users putting in most of the hard work), so you can look forward to seeing an extra 5 Orbs in-game very soon.

However, if you haven’t done so already, it wouldn’t hurt to retweet anyway to get the word out.