Archive for January 2020

Three Houses: Balthus and Hapi Profiles & DLC/Main Story Interactions

Following last week’s Cindered Shadows character profiles, we have profiles for the remaining two members of the Ashen Wolves!

(Screenshot and video translations provided by @SatsumaFS)



Also, we now have a few more details about how Cindered Shadows interacts with the main story. For those unaware, Cindered Shadows will be accessed separately from the main story–and it will have its own save file(s).

Although the two stories are separate, your progress in Cindered Shadows will affect the main story. Firstly, after clearing Chapter 1 of Cindered Shadows, you can visit Abyss when exploring the monastery in the main story.

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Heroes: Mythic Hero Líf banner, Mythic Hero Battle, and Voting Gauntlet are live!

Today in Heroes: The recently revealed Mythic Hero Líf: Lethal Swordsman is now available through the Mythic Hero Summoning Event.

The banner also comes with a Mythic Hero Battle, where you can pick up Orbs and a golden accessory for beating the Abyssal difficulty. Both the banner and MHB will come to an end on the 6th of February 6:59am UTC.

Also today: A new Voting Gauntlet has begun! Partake and earn Feathers, Orbs and other materials all the while supporting your favourite unit.

The VG ends on the 5th of February 6:59am UTC.

Heroes: New Weapons and Refines for Laslow, Jakob, Barst, and female Morgan to be in the next update!

Today’s Heroes news, along with the previously posted Mythic Hero Lif reveal, is that of the contents of the 4.2.0 update slated for early February.

New weapons with refines will be given to OG Laslow, Barst, OG Jakob, and female Morgan.

Laslow will get Laslow’s Blade,
Barst will get the Devil Axe,
Jakob will get Jakob’s Tray,
and female Morgan will get the Father’s Tactics tome.

Also within the update:

The number of offensive structures is being increased from 5 to 6 for Aether Raids, so you can now fill out the whole bottom row of the map if you would prefer to use more structures than have the space free to traverse.

There are also three new songs being added to the Concert Hall:
Royal Palace of Silesse” from Genealogy of the Holy War,
Lyon (Organ Arrangement)” from The Sacred Stones, and
Spring Radiance” from Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.

Usually during these update previews we also get information on the next Heroes to be available via Grails, but not this time. Big “HMM” right there.

Considering the sheer sparsity of this post, I’m going to speculate that the rest of the update will be revealed during the expected upcoming 3rd Anniversary Feh Channel, which I feel could also have something new in store for Grail units – possibly explaining why they may not have dropped the information in these preview notes.

Expect the Feh Channel to drop sometime this week, seeing as how this upcoming Sunday the 2nd of February will officially be Heroes’ 3rd birthday.

Heroes: Líf – Lethal Swordsman is January’s Mythic Hero!

Well, there you have it! Fire Emblem Heroes’s first Mythic Hero of 2020 will be Líf: Lethal Swordsman, one of the antagonists of Book III.

Recently, data-miners learned that Líf’s signature weapon had its “enemy-only” flag altered, which hinted that he may be this month’s Mythic Hero.

Líf’s Mythic Hero banner will be available between 30th January to 6th February (UTC).

Correction: Apologies, got the UTC dates mixed up with the PST dates.

In his debut banner, Líf will be joined by: Legendary Ephraim, Legendary Hector, Legendary Lucina, Loki, Yune, Caineghis, Picnic Lucas, Legendary Eliwood, Byleth (female), Hilda and Legendary Leif.

If you’re interested, there’s a page for him on the “Meet some of the Heroes” sub-website. Also, keep reading for a text breakdown of his skills.

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