Archive for FE Heroes

Heroes: Resplendent Lon’qu & August/September Calendar

The next Resplendent Hero to grace FE Heroes will be Lon’qu: Solitary Blade.

This Embla-themed version of the silent swordsman will be available to subscribers from 25th August 2022. You can check out his artwork and voice samples here.

Also, the event calendar for mid August through mid September is now available.

Key dates include New Heroes (almost definitely the CYL winners) from 17th August, another Legendary Hero on 31st August and another round of Special Heroes (dance-themed?) on 7th September.

Please continue for a text version of the calendar.

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“Fire Emblem Roundtable Vol. 5” Casual Livestream Scheduled for 27th August (Japan)

A fifth installment of the Fire Emblem Roundtable will be broadcast from 27th August 2022, between 18:00 and 20:00 (Japan time).

Like previous broadcasts, Chief Fehnix (voiced by Takehito Koyasu) will be chatting to voice actors from the series. This time, he’ll be joined by Kentaro Tone (voice of Reinhardt etc.) as a sub-MC.

As always, there will be no new game-related information.

On this occasion, they’ll be chatting about the 10th anniversary of FE Awakening, which released in Japan on 19th April 2012.

Currently announced guests include Tomokazu Sugita (voice of Chrom etc.) and Yū Kobayashi (voice of Lucina etc.).

Heroes: The Phantom Thieves from “Risk and Reward” Reveal Their Cards

During the August 2022 Feh Channel, we were introduced to the theme of the next Special Heroes, arriving on 9th August. Today, we have additional details, including their skills.

Note: You can check out the Japanese version of this trailer here.

The Heroes that will appear in the “Risk and Reward” banner are Cath (Binding Blade), Leila (Blazing Sword), Sothe (Radiant Dawn) and Duo Nina with Kagero (Fates).

In addition, Rickard will be available from the Tempest Trials+ event, which begins at the same time. He’s a Red Sword Flier with the following skills:

Weapon: Florid Cane+ – Enables [Canto (Rem. +1)].
At start of combat, if foe’s HP >= 75%, grants Atk/Spd+5 to unit during combat.
Assist: Shove
B: Flier Formation 3
C: Spd/Def Oath 3

Furthermore, you can obtain the Atk/Res Ideal 1 and Dist. Counter (Dragon) Sacred Seals.

Please continue for a breakdown of the Heroes from the trailer!

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Heroes: Details for Version 6.8.0, Arriving 8th August

We have more details for the Version 6.8.0 update of FE Heroes, which was introduced in the August Feh Channel. As mentioned, the version update is scheduled for 8th August 2022.

You can view the patch notes here and we’ll also paraphrase them below.

Weapon Refinery

More Heroes will be receiving new weapon skills and/or refines.

New skills/refines

  • Wanderer Blade – Rutger

New refines

  • Wolfskin Fang – Keaton
  • Worldsea Wave – Summer Laegjarn
  • Divine Breath – Naga
  • Freikugel – Hilda
  • Luna Arc – Legendary Alm
  • Lion King Fang – Caineghis

Combat Manuals

After the version update, new events will yield Divine Codes (Ephemera 8), which can be exchanged for the following limited-time manuals:

  • 5-star: Pirate Geese and Petra
  • 4-star: Cain, Marcia, Arthur, Cecilia and Valentine’s Lissa

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