Tag Archive for Aether Resort

Heroes: Update is now live including new refines, and Tap Battle Is Gone! [crab emoji]

Fire Emblem Heroes’ big monthly update has landed today, bringing with it some nice new features and content.

Here’s a quick breakdown of what’s new and what will be here soon:

  • The Field and Dining Hall have been added to the Aether Resort
  • Duo Heroes have been added to the game
  • Aether Raids and Aether Resort update, including new Duo Hero-related structures and some fresh banging tunes
  • New weapons and/or new refines have been added for Lute, Virion, Frederick and Hawkeye
  • New game mode: Hall of Forms will be coming soon

Also, two pieces of information that need no further explanation:

  • Two new Heroes available via Heroic Grails: Death Knight and Sigrun
  • *crab* Tap Battle IS GONE *crab*

You can read into more detailed information about the update by clicking on “Read more” below.

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Heroes: Version 3.6 Update: Concert Hall, Røkkr Sieges, Refines, & More!

The Version 3.6 Update is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes! If Heroes does not download the update automatically, you can grab it manually from the Play Store or App Store.

Version 3.6 brings a lot of new goodies to the game. Feh announced many of them during the recent Feh Channel, including the Concert Hall, Røkkr Sieges, and Aether Raids updates. We also got a handful of new Weapon Refines and more! Click on the Read More below for a text breakdown of the update’s highlights.

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Heroes: Feh Channel (April 4, 2019) Brings Pair Up, Allegiance Battles, Summoning Pool Changes and a Resort

After a pretty interesting past couple of months, a surprisingly sudden Feh Channel was announced. Fans have a lot to be curious about regarding Fire Emblem Heroes’ future, so let’s see what the 14 minute Feh Channel (4/4/19) brings us.

To rewatch the Japanese Feh Channel, click here.

We’re immediately greeted by a sneezing Feh who’s proud to  share news on the upcoming Pair Up feature.

Legendary Heroes can engage in Pair Up, and the first to receive this ability is Legendary Roy. We also saw a Chrom [Exalted] and Lucina [Brave] paired up, implying quite a bit of variety. The interesting feature here is that you can swap between units, meaning that you can deploy into battle, on the fly, even after acting.

Attack with advantage, then swap to another unit to cover yourself on the defense. It looks pretty neat, since it won’t be impacting the competitive scene all that hard, and gives a new way to enjoy battle by effectively letting you deploy extra units and tag them out for safety and strategy.

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