Archive for FE Heroes

Heroes: Feh Channel August 2022

A new Feh Channel is now available, to celebrate 5 and a half years of FE Heroes.

Here’s a breakdown of everything covered in the video.

Feh’s Summer Celebration

During the event period, there will be two Log-In Bonuses that award 110 of each type of Dragonflower, 555 Divine Codes (Part 3), 550 Heroic Grails and 55 Sacred Coins.

There will also be Celebratory and Aether Raids Quests that yield 2 Orbs, 120 Divine Codes (Ephemera 7), 1 Forma Soul, 555 Hero Feathers, 55 Divine Due, 5 Stamina Pots, 5 Dueling Swords, 500 Aether Stones and 500 SP Aether stones.

14 Skill Focus banners from 2021 will be coming back as daily revivals.

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Heroes: Mythic Askr & Resplendent L’Arachel Incoming

It hasn’t been long since his Book VI debut, but the next Mythic Hero will be Askr, the god of the kingdom that Alfonse and co hail from.

Note: You can check out the Japanese version of this trailer here.

Askr’s Mythic Hero banner will be live from 26th July 2022, until the daily rollover on 9th August 2022 (UTC).

Also appearing are the following:

  • Red: Plumeria, Ascendend Mareeta and Legendary Nanna
  • Blue: Peony, Legendary Dimitri and Seiros
  • Green: Legendary Celica, Otr and Arthur
  • Colorless: Ashera and Medeus

In unrelated news, the next Resplendent Hero has been revealed as L’Arachel: Princess of Light.

This Ljolsalfr-themed version of L’Arachel will be available to subscribers from 10th August 2022 (UTC). You can view her artwork and voice samples here.

Please continue for a breakdown of Askr’s abilities!

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Heroes: Valentia is Back, with Ascended Celica & Ymir

The next New Heroes banner in Fire Emblem Heroes is “Special Summon: Ymir & More”, which runs from 19th July 2022 (UTC).

Note: You can check out the Japanese version of this trailer here.

The featured Heroes are Ascended Celica, Est and Kamui from Echoes: Shadows of Valentia plus Ymir, a new character introduced in the “Life and Death” Tempest Trials series.

In addition, Atlas: Forest Muscle can be summoned as a non-focus 3-star and 4-star Hero. Furthemore, the next Grand Hero Battle will feature Brigand Boss: Known Criminal.

Please continue for a breakdown of the Heroes from the trailer!

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Heroes: Resplendent Corrin (M) & July/August Calendar

July’s second Resplendent Hero will be Corrin: Fateful Prince.

This Askr-themed version of Corrin will be available to subscribers from 25th July 2022. You can check his artwork (by Saori Toyota) and voice samples at the official site.

Also, the calendar for mid July through mid August is here.

Key happenings include New Heroes on 19th July, the next Mythic Hero on 26th July and Special Heroes (pirates?) on 9th August.

As usual, the text version of the calendar is below.

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