Today, 2 August, marks the 1.5 anniversary of Fire Emblem Heroes. To commemorate the occasion, Feh’s Summer Celebration starts today!

Feh first mentioned the event herself during the July Feh Channel. To start off with, every day from now through 16 August will feature a special Daily Summoning Event. Each of these banners is a rerun of skill-based banner from the previous year.
Today’s banner is Heroes with Weapons to Refine, Part 2, containing 5★ focus units for Eldigan, Minerva, and Jaffar. Scroll down below for the full list of banners and when they’ll appear. We’ll also pin and update this post with each new banner over the next weeks to help make sure no one misses a banner they’re interested in!

Additionally, we’ll also get some new Orb sources so you can summon on these banners! Starting today is the first of two special Log-In Bonuses. Each day, we’ll get a bonus 2 Orbs! The second Log-In Bonus will start on August 16th.
Furthermore, we also get to start a new series of Daily Reward Maps today as well! Each map contains a Normal and a Hard version, and you can earn one Orb for completing each. We’ll get another new map every day through 11 August.
If that’s not enough yet, this event also contains Feh’s Summer Celebration Quests! Defeat enemies with specific types of heroes to earn another 20 Orbs! Check out further details of the quests down below. Do note that these are tiered quests, so you’ll have to complete the Normal difficulty quests before moving onto Hard, and eventually Lunatic.
Finally, we also get Double EXP and SP every day from now through 16 August. The last part of the celebration will also be starting up in a couple weeks, a special edition of Tempest Trials+ that will start up on 14 August. This event will contain special TT-exclusive heroes as rewards! Stay tuned for further details.

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