The next New Heroes banner in FE Heroes will be “Special: Rearmed Robin & More”.
Note: You can check out the Japanese version of this trailer here.
The featured Heroes include: Rearmed Robin (F), Gregor, Phila and Ascended Eir.
In addition, Ricken will appear as a new 3 and 4-star Hero, while Cervantes will join as a Grand Hero Battle.
With this, the amount of Awakening characters still not in the game has shrank again. However, poor souls such as Vaike, Kellam and Validar will probably have to keep waiting until its their turn.
Anyway, please continue for a breakdown of the Heroes from the trailer!
We have more details for the “Here with Me” Valentine’s summoning event that was revealed in the recent Feh Channel. As a reminder, it will be available from 8th February 2022 (UTC).
Note: You can check out the Japanese version of this trailer here.
The featured Heroes all hail from Awakening and include: Lucina, Robin (F), Owain and Duo Chrom with Robin (M).
Additionally, Lissa: Sweet Celebrant will be a Tempest Trials reward. She’s a Colorless Staff Armor with the following skills:
Weapon: Staff of Tribute+ – If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Def/Res+6 to unit during combat and restores 7 HP to unit and allies within 2 spaces after combat.
Assist: Martyr+
Special: Heavenly Light
A: Def/Res Ideal 3
C: Res Opening 3
Other rewards include the Swift Strike 1 and Ground Orders 1 Sacred Seals.
Please continue for a breakdown of the Heroes from the trailer!
The highly anticipated Feh Channel is upon us! Without further ado, let’s dig into the news!
Choose Your Legends Round 6 Winners
The first piece of news is the big one… Here are the winners of this year’s Choose Your Legend voting event!
Awakening scores big, with Chrom and Adult Tiki taking the top male and female slots. Meanwhile Seliph from Genealogy of the Holy War and female Byleth from Three Houses bag the runner up slots.
For more results, please see here (for the top 20) and also here (for the full results).
5th Anniversary Celebration
2nd February 2022 marks the 5th anniversary of Fire Emblem Heroes. To celebrate the occasion, there are many in-game events and, of course, plenty of goodies being given out.
We’re approaching the Halloween season, which means more spooky Special Heroes coming to Fire Emblem Heroes! This time, all the Heroes have one thing in common: dragons.
Note: You can check out the Japanese version of this trailer here.
The Special Heroes introduced in “Dragons Harvest” (which runs from 8th October UTC) include Halloween versions of Robin (as Grima), Xane, Dheginsea and Harmonic Tiki and Ninian. Xane will also appear as a 4★ focus Hero.
There’s a saying around here that “Goldoa will not move”. Unless the order of the world has been threatened. Or when there are sweets at stake. Besides the Black Dragon King, this is Xane’s debut in Heroes–and it’s interesting to see how his mimicking ability has been translated.
Additionally, Ena: Autumn Tactician will be available in the “Ever Two Halves” Tempest Trials event that starts on 9th October (UTC). Other rewards from the Tempest Trials include the Brazen Def/Res 1 and Atk/Def Solo 1 Sacred Seals.
The bonus Heroes for this event are the four new Special Heroes, Ena herself, plus the regular versions of Young Tiki, Ninian and male Robin. You can attempt to summon the latter three from the Tempest Trials banner, which is available now.
Please continue reading to learn about the new Heroes!